Published on 2021-03-09. * fix(common/models): predictions after context reset / caret shift (#4411) * fix(common/models): merges identical suggestions after casing (#4502) * fix(web): macOS 11 agent string parsing (#4497) * fix(ios): app logging messages were transient, never stored (#4500) * chore(ios): web-side sentry enablement try-catch (#4492) * fix(common/core/web): core key-processing now always returns RuleBehavior type. (#4508) * fix(common/resources): Set executable (#4510) * fix(web): hides touch-alias caret when keystroke causes focus change (#4514) * chore(common): allow forced version increment (#4522) * fix(web): keyboard documentation patch-up (#4512) * fix(web): removes package namespacing from kbd's CSS class (#4516) * feat(common/models): mid-context suggestions & reversions, fix(common/models): correction-search SMP issues (#4427) * fix(ios): package installer completion requires welcome dismissal (#4543) * fix(web): mnemonic keystrokes w FF keymapping (#4540) * chore(ios/app): Adjust help titles for installing custom dictionaries (#4550) * fix(common/resources): Fix path for CI (#4565) * chore(ios): better visual feedback for keyboard search during poor internet connectivity (#4573) * chore(common): Update crowdin files for `de` (#4578) * chore(common/core/desktop): write debug output to console (#4569) * feat(ios): enables de, fr, and km localizations (#4585) * fix(web): fixes lack of respect for underlying-key display settings (#4572) * fix(common/models): fixes application of suggestions immediately after a backspace (#4587) * fix(ios): adds i18n for some error alerts (#4577) * fix(web): use language code correctly in toolbar (#4620) Minor fixes and performance improvements