Published on 2021-03-22. * docs(ios): adds supported l10ns to help/about/whatsnew (#4625) * chore(common): Update readme (#4631) * fix(common/core/web): Add keyboard check for scriptObject (#4640) * docs(common): Update readme (#4642) * fix(web): event handling for TouchAliasElement's blinking caret (#4638) * fix(common/models): prevents "undefined" reversion display string (#4648) * docs(common): Update npm-packages readme (#4644) * fix(web): better check for missing MutationObserver type (#4646) * fix(ios): removal of default keyboard respected when updating app (#4651) * feat(ios): auto-bundles the most recent version of default resources (#4656) * chore(ios): Set Localizable.strings to UTF-8 (#4670) * chore(common): Update crowdin for km (#4671) * fix(ios): set CODE_SIGN before build (#4682) * fix(ios): keyboard search did not alert for lack of net (#4693) * fix(common/core/web): disambiguation of keys sharing same base key ID (#4703) * fix(web): first-pass workaround for popup-key corrections (#4704) * fix(common/core/web): predictive banner activation logic (#4713) * fix(web): allows refresh of currently-loaded model (#4728) * fix(ios): kbd search now caches publishing data for result (#4729) * docs(ios): Help for 14.0 features (#4741) Minor fixes and performance improvements