KeymanWeb - Test Input Recorder

This page is designed to record KeymanWeb input for use in test case development.

Load Existing JSON

Please ensure that the keyboard(s) being loaded may be referenced at <server-root>/resources/json/keyboards.

Testing File:

Keyboard Stubs:

Load a Keyboard

Add a keyboard by keyboard stub (to addKeyboards):

Add a keyboard by keyboard name:

Add a keyboard by BCP-47 language code:

Add a keyboard by language name:

Keyboard Selection

Each defined test set should utilize the same keyboard.

Select a keyboard:

Please ensure a copy of this keyboard's *.js resides at the specified location within the unit_tests/ folder.

Currently active stub (for use with addKeyboards):

Constraint Selection

Active form factor:

Touch availablility:

Current OS:

Current browser:

Valid OS:

Valid browser:

Input Recording

Error message here:

Record input here:

You must click 'Set Sequence' to save any changes to an input sequence above before continuing input recording, or they will be lost upon new input.

Current test sequence JSON:

Test suite JSON:

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