KeymanWeb Sample Page -context() and notany() interaction (#917)

KeymanWeb did not support notany() and context() together. This keyboard tests various scenarios in the implementation (14.0 min):

abc'abc'Should not match rule on line 19
xbc'xBC'Basic character match at start of context (notany vowel) on line 19
dbcDK(1) 'BC'Deadkey match at start of context on line 19
adcd'a' DK(1) 'XX'Second position in context, match deadkey rule on line 27
adcd?'pass!'Verifies that deadkey is conserved through rule match on line 27
axcd'axXX'Verifies that match occurs for character on line 27
axcd?'axXX?'Sanity check for line 27
fghi'fgXX'Testing adjusted index for `if` statement on line 35
fghi?'fgXX?'Sanity check for line 35
fdhi'f' DK(1) XX'Testing deadkey match for adjusted index for `if` statement on line 35
fdhi?'pass!'Verifies that deadkey is conserved thrghou rule match on line 35

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